
Limited spaces available in most year groups. Phone us on 0117 9030491 to book a tour or apply online now!

Our Vision for Oracy

At Fishponds CE Primary School, we wish to create a language rich environment where children are taught to formulate ideas and express themselves orally. We seek to equip our children with the skills needed to express and share their views and feelings as well as empowering them to challenge alternative viewpoints with spoken language. We want our pupils to learn from high quality classroom talk and for talk to be seen as a fundamental component of our classroom practice.


At the start of each academic year, discussion guidelines are created by each class alongside the children. These set clear expectations for talk in the classroom.

Class based assemblies are oracy focused.

Activities that promote talk are used across the curriculum.

Children are given opportunities to talk for a range of purposes including exploratory talk and presentational talk.

The 4 strands of oracy are taught through oracy focused lessons. Activities are completed to focus on each of the strands and what this entails.

Whole school sentence stems are used to support children in responding to answers.

Subject specific sentence stems are used to support children within lessons.

Talk tactics are used to encourage the children to build on or challenge one another’s responses.

Different groupings are used when children talk within the classroom.

Contact Us

Our office is staffed from 7.45am to 4.00pm from Monday to Friday during term time.


  • Fishponds Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 3UH

Telephone Number