At Fishponds CE Primary School we follow the Lighthouse Schools Partnership History Curriculum.
The History curriculum including the progression can be found in the History Curriculum document.
At Fishponds CE Primary School we follow the Lighthouse Schools Partnership History Curriculum.
The History curriculum including the progression can be found in the History Curriculum document.
To celebrate our History learning in Term 2 we opened Fishponds Museum for our families to attend. We loved sharing our learning with our community.
Our history and geography curriculums include a number of links to our locality of Fishponds and Bristol as a city.
In Term 1 2020, we did a whole school theme topic of 'They Made a Difference'. KS1 explored everyday heroes and local heroes. LKS2 studied Malala and her fight for education as well as the rights of women in the UK in the past. UKS2 studied the civil rights movement and debated around whether Edward Colston's statue should be removed or kept. Explore some of our outcomes below.
Our office is staffed from 7.45am to 4.00pm from Monday to Friday during term time.
If you wish to contact a specific member of staff, please mark your email for their attention and we will do the rest.
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