Global Citizenship

Limited spaces available in most year groups. Phone us on 0117 9030491 to book a tour or apply online now!

Global Scholars


Fishponds Church of England Primary School, we have a commitment to prepare our children with the knowledge to understand global issues. We believe that children should be aware of the world they live in and be able to make connections on a local, national and global level. Our intent is to ensure children are able to confidently communicate about similarities and differences across different parts of the world. The aim is to strengthen cross-cultural understanding through discussion about important world issues that will impact our future. Global Scholars enriches pupils to connect with cities across the globe and prepare them to be the next generation of global citizens.


Global Scholars is an international online learning program which gives children the chance to connect with children of their age in different parts of the world.  The Global Scholars will meet together and develop global and digital citizenship skills. Children will be given the opportunity to exchange views/opinions with their own pupils whilst replying to their international peers on the e-classroom. Pupils will begin the course introducing themselves, their school, their city and their culture. Global Scholars will exchange with pupils from other cities accross the world! 


Through our Global Scholars Programme, pupils will: 

Gain an understanding of global issues which affect the world. 

Listen and respect the views/opinions of others. 

Opportunities to create videos/podcasts. 

Become technology and digitally skilled. 

Articulate themselves in being able to communicate with international peers.

Learn about themselves and international peers. 

What have our Global Scholars been doing? 

As part of the Global Scholars programme our Year 6 pupils were tasked with creating an infographic based on a survey they completed on our local biodiversity. They did their own research and came up with their own opinions and possible solutions. This is all shown in the infographic.

Contact Us

Our office is staffed from 7.45am to 4.00pm from Monday to Friday during term time.


  • Fishponds Road, Fishponds, Bristol, BS16 3UH

Telephone Number